hujan salju

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012


My Experience Joining Mos In MAN Nganjuk

MOS in a thing that must be passed by all students newly accepted including me. I actually do not like MOS such thing, because often a lot of punishment. In my school MOS held on 11-13 july 2011. Lots of joy  and sorrow that i have passed. Including punished a superclassmen. We are also obliged to make disposable paper cartons, continue to be given and worn around the neck strap.
First day, it began with a ceremony, after the ceremony we held a introductory. Goal so we are more familiar with the friends and brothers who teach classes. After introductions wewere given direction from the teacher. There we can ask about what facilities are available. Also can ask whatever we want to ask. After the brefing, we immediately break to buy snack. In addition we also carry the equipment in the compulsory prayers.
The second day is the same as the frist day, starting with ceremony. Day of the second material is a more his game, but there heavier punishment to his game. I also never punished as apperclassman his sentence was ordered for the introduction of self and say love in other classes. I was  not entirely my fault, i do it just because my friend felt sorry for the convicted. I found that even punished. But it does not metter which is important to help a friend. For the second day there is also a direction, there we can confide in as a teacher, if the problem was toe disrupt the value of our study.
Last day of the third day more used to joke and praparation for tomorrow PTG. On the last day i know a little more about the nature of my friend. There i can also be more familiar as my senior brother.
The experience during my school yrs. MOS was that if followed sincerely the outcome would have been nice. I guess i do not want to forget the good times when MOS. Tomorrow if i had kids, i’ll tell about those times MOS old. I’m so glad.

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Kenangan terindah saat-saat bersamamu, itulah kebahagian kku....
Kini kenangan itu sirna sudah
Semua canda, tawa telah terkubur habis-habisan
Ya Allah....
Kenapa engkau ciptakan kebahagian, kalau nantinya bakal menjadi sebuah kesedihan
Hidup kku kini tak ada artinya apa-apa
Hanya air mata yang terus mengalir
Apa yang harus akku perbuat?
Entah bagaimana akku harus menata hidup kku kembali
Rasanya hidup ini sudah tidak ada artinya lagi
Kapan masalah ini berhenti
Manusia tidak tau, karena itu rahasia Allah


Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Kesedihan & Kesenangan menghasilkan uang

Puisi sangat mudah dibuat ketika kita merasa sedih or senang :(
so, kita manfaatkan semua itu untuk bikin puisi yang sebanyak-banyak nya..
kita tak perlu berpikir terlalu tinggi untuk bikin puisi, apapun yang kita fikirkan bisa kita curahkan semua..
itu lebih mudah bantu kita, ,,,
puisi yang kita buat tadi, bisa juga menghasilkan uang..
caranya kita kirim aja ke jawa pos, atau majalah yang lain:)
tag perlu bingung-bingung kita minta uang buat jajan sekolah...
kebanyakan anak-anak sekarang pada manja, soal ny apapun yang dibutuhkan.. semua sudah tersedia..
jadi anak yang gak manja itu asik loch???? bisa buat kita jadi mandiri
"mandiri itu bukan mandi sendiri, tapi mampu melakukan apapun yang kita mau, tanpa bingung-bingung..
^Kesedihan or Kesenangan bisa bikin Uang"